Sunday, February 7, 2016

Open Post #2 Package Design Advancements - McDonald's

Evolution of Packaging Design 
Competition is everything in the marketing world, and every brand wants to be better than the next. Because of this, brand and packaging design advancements are made left and right. Look at McDonald’s – this billion-dollar corporation has experienced extreme packaging evolvement in its 61 years of existence. I took a peek at an article about this corporation’s new advancements and found something: as of last month, McDonald’s introduced its new, simplified packaging design. The process involved McDonald’s pulling together a team of designers from several agencies in Germany, Hong Kong, Australia, and the UK. After a week, the final designs were given to McDonald’s lead packaging consultancy, Boxer (UK), who worked them up into the final packaging. McDonald’s has a vision is to be a modern and progressive burger company, and this new design is simple, fresh, and consistent with that. This is a perfect example of the importance of packaging design because McDonald’s is making just small alterations in font size and color to create a better, more respected relationship with its customers.
Packaging Design Today 
Sources Cited:
"McDonald's Launches New Packaging Designed by UK Agency Boxer." It’s Nice That. N.p., 12 Jan. 2016. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.


  1. I didn't really like your format and layout. But the way you talked seems to be professional. I would suggest you reformat and expand your views on the background information.

  2. I really enjoyed how you related you main view to a popular restaurant like McDonalds. One thing I think you could improve on for this post is expanding on your ideas and adding more detail. For example, when you talk about how the packaging of McDonalds has changed over the years- maybe even include a picture timeline. My only question would be, is McDonalds only changing their packaging presentation or are they also changing more (such as restaurant styles and other things that have to do with presentation.)?

  3. Ivy - Thank you for the advice. I will take that in to consideration for my post this week.
    Kaylsia - Thank you for the advice. I agree including a picture timeline would help. Mcdonald's is going for a simple yet bold theme to mirror the leadership style of the CEO. In addition to this change, they are trying to focus more on environmental impact: they are hoping by 2020 to use exclusively recycling or certified materials for packaging.
